Alarm 3 - Pump Reset Alarm
The pump experienced a reset and all deliveries have been stopped.
The pump’s settings have not been erased, but you will need to complete a cartridge load sequence and reconnect your CGM session. Please see below for more details.
How to Troubleshoot the Alarm:
- Tap to clear the Alarm.
- You will need to complete a cartridge load process and confirm that date and time on pump are correct. Note: You can reload an existing cartridge if more than 80 units remain. Always disconnect tubing from the site on your body before going through the load sequence.
- Start or re-start a CGM session. If you were in the middle of sensor session when the pump was reset, you can re-join the session by tapping OPTIONS > My CGM > Start Sensor. When prompted to enter a sensor code, tap SKIP.
- If using Control-IQ technology, confirm that your settings are saved (located in OPTIONS > MY PUMP > CONTROL-IQ).
- Please note that Insulin on Board and Max Hourly Bolus have been reset to zero. Consider this before making insulin dosing decisions.
- If you get this message more than once or for additional assistance, contact Customer Technical Support.
Always refer to the User Guide for important safety information and detailed step-by-step instructions on how to troubleshoot t:slim X2 pump alarms. A full list of pump alarms can be accessed in the User Guide. Please consult the applicable user guide and refer to the table of contents.
ZD-000223 (2023-05-09)